Conference Schedule

August 8, 2007

Schedule for the conference is available now. Please check it out here.

6th Indonesia-Taiwan Workshop

June 22, 2007

This event will be organized simultaneously with the Sixth Indonesia-Taiwan Workshop in Aeronautical Science, Technology and Industry.


June 20, 2007

Following the first event on 2004, the Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, FTI – ITB will be organizing a Regional Conference on Aerospace Science, Technology and Industry. This event will be organized simultaneously with the Sixth Indonesia-Taiwan Workshop in Aeronautical Science, Technology and Industry.

The objective of the Conference is to promote the regional cooperation in the research exchange of information in all branches of aerospace science, technology and industry among the researchers in Southeast and East Asia and Australian Nations. The Conference will emphasize the fundamentals of and the inter-relationships between the various aeronautical disciplines from basic research through to recent developments in design, engineering, manufacturing and operations of aircraft and spacecraft.